Monday, March 27, 2006

South Mountain Ride

I was zippin down the 101 heading to Scottsdale Friday nite, when suddenly everybody started to go very very slow--this is 8:30 p.m. and I'm not far from Steve and Kim's place--all the sudden there were a series of bright stobe flashes, like lightening. Holy Shit! I'm busted! It was those speed cameras that take your picture. I remember Steve telling me about them--about they got some woman going 130 mph. They had a grace period and with my luck the grace period is over.

My speeding ticket will come in the mail soon. I was going 80 mph at least. So was everybody else, Gentle Reader--except they all knew where the cameras were placed, and slowed down, way down--while I sped on. ZAP , POW, POW! Those lights! Bastards!

Here's South Mountain about 6 a.m. The Sun is just coming up, and Steve and I are crossing the bridge into Tempe and the campus of Arizona State University.

Yours on the old Tempe Bridge. I-Hop is just a few minutes away and breakfast. Its a beautful Spring morning. Still kind of cold, and we had to wear warmers--and we'd have to carry that stuff with us all day. To stay warm, and not have to carry a jacket all day, I have yesterday's newspaper tucked under my jersey. The paper keeps out the cold morning air. I tossed the paper at I-Hop, and then wished I hadn't because it was still cool after breakfast. Even in Tempe it was cool until almost 9 a.m.

ASU Crew Club sets off for an early morning workout.

We're on the old bridge. The new bridge has some cool design elements. I 'd like to steal this and use for a jersey logo. The sun is coming up over the Superstition Mtns--Let's get rolling to I-Hop!

I have to say that this 100 mile ride was just what we needed. Weather was finally good for a change, and Steve as always is strong and sets a good pace. In no time we have ridden about 50 miles, and West out onto the Gila Bend Indian Reservation.

Now we're heading East, thru Guadalupe, and South Mtn is coming into view. Guadalupe is just waking up. The fields are green, the cows are fat, and the horses are alert and watching us as we cruise past.

Getting closer. We've made good time--We actually discuss by-passing riding to the top. We need to be back early as possible--but we agree we're feeling strong, and we need to do some climbing.

Of course, one of us gets a flat. Flats take time to fix. Everything has to stop and you make the best of it. Steve fixes the flat tire while I fill up water bottles and snap a few photos of the old Ranger Station where we've stopped.

Circa 1929 sturcture.

Part of the old Ranger Station. There's a drinking fountain which has very cold water, and a restroom.

South Mtn from the Ranger Station. From here 8 miles to the summit and the towers.

Steve and I climbed the 8 miles and I believe we both felt pretty strong. I started to really feel it and had not ridden like this in about 3 weeks. The last two miles to the summit were brutal and even the last mile was killing me.

We made it to the top and I thought I was going to pass out. I didn't have much water, and it was now about 11:30 in the morning. It was very hot at the top and there was no shade--but I had to get myself together so I could get back down. Just a creepy feeling knowing that you pushed yourself almost to your limit. Mes amis, I was right on the edge. It felt like my heart was going to bust out of my chest and bounce down the mountain, me chasing after!

Oh yes, I must mention that right before the TV towers, we did the other peak called Dobbs Lookout or something like that--pretty cool.

The top!

Hey? Is that Wilbur Wright at Kitty Hawk? On examination, you can still see the elements of the bicycle in these gliders--they're not much different from the test kites and gliders the Wright Bros flew in 1904.

This was such a beautiful weekend! The para sail guys and hang glider people were up there. It was very hot so we didn't stay long--

On the way back, I got this quick snap-shot of "A" Mountain. On our way to lunch now as we ride thru ASU campus, pass the Mountain, go over that bridge, and thru Papago Park. It is 87 degrees or hotter up here in Phoenix. And we're trying to get back to Scottsdale. No place to stop really--just need to get back.

Of course 2 miles from Steve's house, I get a flat tire on the front wheel. Steve says just pump it up and keep going. This did save us some time, and finally we were back by 3:30 pm--we rode a good solid 117 miles.

So to recover so I could make the drive home, I slept on the floor for about 15 minutes. That really revived me and I took a quick shower and went on my way. It was a fast weekend, mainly on the bike which is what I like.

The 600 km looms around the corner, mes amis! Stay tuned...


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