Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Ride Home Photos of Love

Time to go home, Baby!

Mountain Ave at 5pm. Bumper2bumper...

Other riders...

"Lance, Honey, its me Cheryl--bring home a rotisseire chicken, une baggette, and another six-pack of Coors Light--Kiss!"

I saw this woman on my ride into work ...


Riding past the UofA Farm on Mountain Ave...

Mountain Ave turns into bike path

And becomes the Mountain Bridge.

Girls like to stay in shape, mes amis!

This or...


Off the bike path and onto La Cholla--then a quick left here at the light. I'll ride River Ave until it turns into Thornydale--right around Orange Grove, where the exit to I-10 comes onto Thornydale. No pictures of me getting thru the tight traffic. I've noticed more and more that Thornydale is bumper to bumper at one point, and I ride faster than the cars can crawl along. It sucks to be on the road in your car. The only drawback for me is that the bike lane disappears and its dark. Motorists give me dirty looks, but hey--they can kiss my ass!

What a pretty pretty sunset--if I were a little girl, I might feel all fuzzy inside--I jus fukin glad my fat ass made it home ALIVE, mes amis!

At the golf course and my car. I rode pretty good--the sun's not down quiet yet.

Allure Libre!

1 comment:

Stefan Walz said...

Excellent photos...a much better view from the saddle than any shot in a vehicle. Keep up the riding and check out your new profile photo on

Lookin slim dawg!