Friday, October 17, 2008

Week By Bike

My commuter light is great, and I've needed it these crisp mornings for the first 10 miles of the ride into the office. One thing I've noticed is that the light attracts bugs while I'm making my clip down the road. Early this week on a fast descent, I small knat or fly hit me in the eye, somehow under my glasses.

It was a bit painful, and I rubbed the insect out of my eye pretty much I thought--but by yesterday morning my eye was red and sore. The employee nurse here at the Desert Sanatorium looked me over and said some bacteria or whatever got in there, and now I have a sty on my eyelid; it will go away in a few days.

Also, memos went throughout the institution--one of the employees that lives nearby the campus seems to have lost their pet goat. The campus of the Desert San here in lovely Tucson, Arizona, is large, Gentle Readers of This Blog. A goat or even a cow could stomp around unnoticed for a few days until you discovered the creature in your parking spot. A few washes cross the area, and wildlife abounds. Several large packs of coyotes live on the campus too. They're so used to seeing me that they never give me a second look.

I was contacted and asked if I'd seen the goat, as my commute route takes me on roads that follow the washes and then the river path. Besides joggers, horseback riders, and cyclists, coyotes are represented quite well in the mix.

I would say that Goat was a welcome dinner guest at the home of Senor y Senora Jorge and Martha Coyote, mes amis!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see you ran in to some athletes from the Desert Heat Rash Triathlon club. Next time knock down their bikes and take their women.