January--Little Egypt comes home after two years deployed in the Army Nat'l Guard. 15 months she spent on a FOB on the Afghan-Pakistan border, or what I liked to say was the "Fun Part" of Afghanistan. Her location was classified, but I had an idea where the FOB was located. It was not fun and I was glad she was on her way--two years is a long time. What's worse than being shot at by the Taliban? Training during the Summer at Fort Hood, Texas.
Our 2008 New Year's Day Ride was a blast! A bit windy and cold, but fun none the less.
Guest of Honor, Dave Glasgow, seen here with Susan Plonsky, RBA of Arizona Randonneurs. Dave was hit by a taxi cab while out riding. Dave endured many surgeries and months of rehabilitation. I am happy to report he is riding strong once more!
February--As I waited for Little Egypt's arrival that day in early February (weather delayed her return to Tucson by almost a month) I photographed these work bikes used by the helicopter maintenance crews. All I can say, Gentle Readers of This Blog is, "Bikes Not Bombs."
March--we are back riding, usually doing a century every weekend. John and Kathy are super-fast on the tandem!

April--I got a lot of shit for this April Fool's post back in 2005. Every April Fool's I re-post the saga where my crew chief, and Norwegian Exchange Student Girlfriend and I, struggle to finish a tough brevet.

She is roasted alive in a fiery crash (not really cause it's all made up April Fools)
May--Steve Star of the Blog and I do some epic rides up in Phoenix and Scottsdale. We'd ride down to our favorite breakfast place, load up on carbs, flirt with the gorgeous waitresses, and then hammer up to the TV Towers in South Mtn Park!
June--Riding in Saguaro Nat'l Park on Sunday mornings--Bike Heaven!
July--"Suffer Fest" can you say 102 degrees at 9 a.m. in the morning? Phoenix, you could say, can be Bike Hell. We would have to be in the saddle by 4 a.m. to make it to South Mtn and back around to Scottsdale before the temps just got too much. Are we riding 120 miles or is that the temperature?
August--Here I am on the High Country Brevet, in the White Mountains of Arizona. I will say that I was very fit, having been commuting to work just about every day for months. It was a good thing too because the altitude almost did me in, climbing over 9,000 ft. The descents were very fast--on one stretch of road, I topped out at 51 MPH.
September--This is on one of our Marana-Scottsdale-Marana rides. Nothing like Paris-Brest-Pairs of course, but with wind and temps over 100 degrees, this ride is challenging. Think of it as more like Tucson to Phoenix and back to Tucson. We ride 116 miles up to Scottsdale, a burb of Phoenix, spend the night, and then return the next day to my place in Marana. Part of the ride, and were Steve is pictured above, is the old Stage Coach Line to Picacho Peak. We ride on the Frontage Rd next to Interstate 10. The Army patroled for Apaches in this area as well. This is tough, hot, and windy open desert--September is the hottest month in Tucson and Phoenix.
October--That's Mt. Lemmon in the background, and we're on our way home from a day riding in Tucson. Mornings start cool, we arrive at breakfast, then enjoy the warm breezes and sunshine for the trip back home.
All I can say to the Haters out there is this: Because I am able to take the alternative--like ride my bike--all I ask is to show some respect and let me ride in safety and in peace.
You don't own the road, nor do I. And stop going ballistic if I cross out of the bike lane or don't come to a complete fucking stop at a stop sign. "All them bicycles break the laws and never stop and stop signs 'n stuff..." In this one-horse town, car drivers run stop signs and think nothing of it--they just got that diabetic foot to the floor, and that cell phone glued to the jowl.
I climbed Mt. Lemmon, my old nemesis, and made easy work of it. Here's John and Dave and we're on our way up to Summerhaven.

December--Yet another bike to add to the collection!
Happy New Year!
Thanks for visiting my blog!
If in Tucson, let me know--come ride with us!