Rendezvous at the park for a afternoon ride. Saw this old piece of ornate work that's probably left over from years gone by. This is in the parking lot of the park by the Kansas River.
Forecast for Interzone was that it would be well into the 60's, Gentle Readers of This Blog. This got me pretty excited during the week, and I got all my little mundane chores done before the weekend so I could ride! At Celebrity Spin Class, everyone was pretty excited too--everyone was talking about getting out on the road and puttin' in some miles! But spirits seemed to sink as the wind came up with a vengeance.
Ended up that it was just me who committed to the afternoon ride with Steve. I'd never met Steve--he's not in Celebrity Spin. "Look for the Architect," everyone in spin said. "Okay--look for the Architect..." I replied. So while riding out to meet Steve, I though to myself, "What does an Architect look like?" No matter--there was Steve rolling up on his bike--and then quickly (Steve is fast, mes amis) we were on our way.
Retired for now.
Steve and I would do the quick "Monday Night Ride" which is the short 8 miles out and back jaunt that some of the Club does. I'd been out this way before but not on this route. Steve had emailed me the route, which was a image from Google Maps--so I was eager to get out there. 8 miles through the old West Lawrence neighborhood and by the River--where the large Victorian homes as still aging gracefully--and then on our way for a quick leg on the Farmer's Turnpike.
Old WPA Power Pole--preserved and still on the job!
The Old Power Pole is at the entrance to the power plant that serves Lawrence mes amis. Its a symbolic statement and I appreciate the thought behind it--how would you know what a power pole from the 1930's looked like? I'm glad I got a photo of it for you Gentler Readers as last time I passed by I was in hurry to get home.
Is Spring on the way?
Steve and I had a good ride and I'm glad I met him! He's fast and I could just barely keep up with him. I can tell I'm much more fit from the spin class--still the wind and hills are something I need to work on. I'll get dropped if I can't get my butt up on the climbs and stay with the pack!
Our ride was only about 16 miles on the after-work club course--but they were just right for a quick spin after a day at the office. Also, we can all get home before dark. I do need to ride at a quicker cadence and with the pack--better if the pack will be just a little faster. Will help me improve my riding, even if I'm pushing myself to the max on just a short ride.
Ride is not complete without a few blocks of shaking my bones!
Raleigh Super Grand Prix at The Little House.
I had a fun 20 mile ride with Steve, and it was just as good if not better than a longer 30 or 40 mile ride I've done out in the Wilds on my own. As the weather improves, I think more people will come out. I look forward to making new friends on the rides, and actually riding with the friends I've made in spin class--also, like Steve said--he can help me find some faster and safer routes around the city and in the Wilds.
Cheers! Bruce