Sunday, December 21, 2008

Cafe By Bike

It was only 31 degrees this morning, and we had all planned to ride at 8 a.m. It was only 35 degrees by then, so we decided we would cancel the day's spin. Callie and I went down the to park late morning--it was still quite cold.

Callie has breakfast and starts her late morning nap. I'll head down to the cafe via my old Raleigh Marathon.

The cafe is only a mile away so why drive the car when it only takes less than two minutes to pedal down there? Still a bit cold so I need gloves and a pull-over sweater. I just put a bunch of lose change in the old blue jeans and I'm off.

A saguaro stretched out and sunning himself in the morning crisp air of the desert.

Espresso Drini is the local cafe. Its become a stopping place for many of the local riders. I'll stop in on the weekends before I head out for a spin--or if I get back before closing time, I'll take a quick break before riding home. If there's other riders about, I might hook up and ride out with them.

Not uncommon to see bikes parked around the place, and hear the clip-clack of cyclists trying to gingerly walk about.

The Wildcats win in Las Vegas. This is good news indeed!

1 comment:

amidnightrider said...

Cafe runs are a great way to start the day. Especially on those cold 35 degree artic days. 8>)