Sasabe Store

Baboquivari, Sacred Peak of the Tohono O'odham

During the ride, I was feeling strong and they guys didn't mind if I rode ahead. So I tucked into the bars and hammered down for the 12 miles to Sasabe. A tail wind helped too. It was perfect--no traffic--smooth rollers--good pavement.
Faster Pussy Cat, Faster! Kill Kill!*

*(Do not attempt. Complete idiot. Closed course.)
South to Mexico

I got into Sasabe, went past the store, and took a quick left--and before I knew it I rode threw the open gates and across the border into Mexico. I rode up to what looked like the guard house, and out came a few of the border guys. They said hello and were very friendly. I told them I'd never been to Mexico and just wanted to say I'd been there, and take a few pictures. No problem. They said that this side is Sasabe, Sonora, and the US side is Sasabe, Arizona.
Did I just ride into Old Mexico?

Sasabe, Sonora Border Check

You are now leaving Mexico. Have a nice day!

So I rode back to the US side and a very friendly border guard said hello and I showed him my driver's license. Then the Mexican border guys came over, and we all talked about the weather, my bike ride, etc. right there on the US-Mexico border. The US and Mexican guys were on a first name basis, and I could tell these guys were friends.
US Mexico Border

The US border guard let me inside the border house, where I met a couple of other very laid back and friendly border guards too. They told me that the border house was on the Nat'l Register of Historic Places, and that it was built in 1932. The US government had a "cookie cutter" house they build for border houses that were exactly like lighthouses--same floor plan and everything. They seemed very proud of the place and were happy to show it to me.
Old US Border House

After waving farewell, I rode back to the Sasabe Store to find Dave and Robert relaxing under a large shaded porch across the street. We filled our water bottles, ate a snack, and headed back to Arivaca.
Dave and Bob, Baboquivari Peak in the background

Dave and Yours

The last 10 miles heading back, we could feel the heat rising. We finished by Noon, and I'd say it was almost 100 degrees by then. I saw on the news at 5 that it was 108 degrees. Awesome.
Love to you all, Friends!
1 comment:
Sweet ride...sweeter Jersey. Go Team Moon-e.
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