Making a big Kansas Climb in the early morning.
One of the bike shop lads told me about a quick loop through the little village of Eudora that he often does. So this morning I thought I'd give it a go--do something different--which is what I try to do every ride, mes amis.
Lone Rider on back-coutry roads.
I'm seeing plenty of deer and turkey out here, oh and the cows are fat and the roosters cry as I glide by the farms. I went out "15 - 15" which is East on 15th Street right out from the Little House, and then South down Haskell Ave. On the grid of the county, mes amis, Haskell is 1500 Rd North. This means at 15th and Haskell I'm 15 miles East and 15 miles North of the very Southwest corner of the county... 15 - 15 just saves me from having to back-track. It's a straight shot and I'm on my way.
Down hill for a few miles.
Out here I see no one, and a few times I've seen this Triathlete chap on 1100 Rd coming the opposite direction--he never waves or says hello. Seems his arse must be hurting so much that he can't enjoy the morning. Anyway, I'm going to head North on 2200 Rd where I usually turn South. I'll ride through Eudora and eventually hit Hwy 32, I road I know well.
A mammoth barn of some sort! Time to explore!
This looks like an old county building, or maybe all the Eudora farmers got together and built this building long ago. Eudora was a German immigrant community in which the Germans bought the land from the Principal Chief, and land owner, Pascal Fish--he was a Shawnee.

Several old tractors under restoration inside, and a handful of vintage cars.
This place is gigantic--that big combine in there is huge!
I'm wondering what the story behind this old building is about? Again, probably built by the Germans of Eudora, as it is practical, beautiful, and retains a sense of duty. Good feelings and spirits are around, and I am welcome just for a visit of a few minutes.
The Germans that bought the land from Fish and put in their town were quite taken by Fish's sweet young daughter, Eudora, and so the story goes they named the town after her. I'm approaching and I can see that Eudora has become a bedroom community of Kansas City.
Lawrence is too expensive (mostly slum lords and riff-raff) so Eudora is less expensive, not a bad commute from KC--and you don't have to have a bunch of greasy college bros living next to you with empties in the front lawn from the night before.
Unfortunately I got a cold reception as I pedaled into town up there. Some young spoiled white girl in a fast expensive car came out of no where right behind me and laid on the horn for no fuckin' reason. Her's was the first car I had come across all morning, Gentle Readers of This Blog--I hope she wasn't of the original German stock that probably still live in these parts--that would be a shame...

Old Main Street of Eudora, KS, from the 1850's.
Believe me, there was nothing happening here in Eudora when I arrived. I was looking for a cafe or someplace to get a cup of coffee. The only business that seemed open was the Antique Shop. There was another place a bit down the road that looked like it was a bar at night and then a greasy spoon for breakfast next morning. Parking lot full of big farm trucks covered in mud and full of tools and crap in the beds. These people are always very considerate on the Kansas roads--they wave when they drive by too. Maybe next time I'll belly up to the bar for some grits.
Maybe I could find a cool old bike?
Oh yeah, these were German farmers I'm sure. They build stuff that lasts.
So I rode North through Eudora and on up 2200 Rd. It was new country for me, winding and rolling through green forests--I was near the Kansas River. I rode over the "Kaw" on a narrow county bridge just big enough for a farm truck--and wanted to take a picture--but best to move on as the bridge is narrow with no side rails--oh but the river was serene and still. Those few moments were worth the ride, mes amis!
Soon I was right up on Hwy 32. I was a bit surprised to see that I was in a place where I'd come down from Tonganoxie weeks before. So this is how the roads play out I thought to myself. I would have bit of a long ride home so I found a good spin and kept it up, and soon I was coming into Old Historic Downtown. Still everyone at my house was asleep. I went and got a cup of coffee at the Starbucks--I was the only one there so I didn't have to get the Lycra stare. Just got smiles from the young girls working their morning shift. I found some shade and watched Interzone start to wake up.
Cheers! Bruce